I started The Land of Travel in 2020, with the intent to combine my many years of experience as a school social worker with my desire to help others find greater meaning in their travel. In addition to my Masters degree in Social Work, I am a graduate of the Transformational Travel Council’s Transformational Design Course.
Before I married my husband eleven years ago, I was a city girl getting the best out of Seattle life. For the past eleven years, I have called the Seattle suburbs home, and now that home includes two elementary aged kiddos!
For as long as I can remember, I have either been dreaming about a trip, planning a trip, or on a trip. Dreaming about a trip gives people hope. Travel gives back in the form of something to look forward to as well as memories. I find that the best kind of trip is one where you can’t wait to get back home and live your life differently.
The main question I want to answer for people is, how do we see our interconnectedness? Traveling for me has always been about the people I meet along the way—learning about their lives and sharing some of mine. I can of course book any type of travel, but two specialties are close to my heart.
My extensive family travel experience puts me in the driver’s seat for developing a multi-generational trip; my work with teens makes me especially equipped to ensure they feel considered; and with little ones at home, my recommendations for the even younger set are well-honed. As a young adult, I went on 10 multi-generational family trips. Simple straightforward Caribbean cruises but also month-long tours of Greece, Egypt, Israel… All planned by my grandparents. I have them to thank for instilling the love of travel in me. My grandfather would say, I want to spend my money when I’m on top of the grass. Seriously, he said it all the time! He valued the family time as much as the exploring.
One of my specializations is helping my clients find unique travel opportunities as pathways for their growth, healing and self discovery. But what about when you don’t have built-in traveling partners? I discovered the transformative power of traveling solo during a particularly difficult season of life. Back then I wished for someone to recognize what I needed and then guide me through the stages of planning such a trip. Someone to walk me through how to make decisions and what to expect. In the end, I rediscovered myself through solo travel, and I highly recommend it in times of transition to mark, celebrate, or heal. Trips to Italy, Prague, Russia, Peru, and Argentina during this phase helped me meet myself again. It showed me what I wanted for my future, and it reignited my curiosity and compassion.
In 2008, I returned from a summertime tour of Argentina and Peru especially inspired from integrating into the community, and seeing firsthand their way of life. The amount of time I spent in Buenos Aires allowed me to fully take in and participate in the rhythms of the city. I had my favorite parks, restaurants, shopping areas, which easily led me away from the more touristy things. A mindset I’m especially interested in helping people discover.
I can match your individual needs with a specific destination or small group. There are so many packages tailormade for self-care, immersive travel, and for those looking to experience something off the beaten path. I call this type of travel, “Beyond the checklist”. I can help you book small tour groups that provide a sense of togetherness, while also celebrating solitude. I pay close attention to the tour companies that provide exciting travel opportunities, while also benefiting the people and the land of the destination.